HDI Publications by date

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Factors associated with the receipt of systemic treatment (tx) for metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) in England

Kearney M, Knott CS, Mahmoudpour H, Verpillat P. Factors associated with the receipt of systemic treatment (tx) ...

Evolution of the treatment landscape in patients with advanced or metastatic cancers following the approval of immuno-oncology treatments

Mahmoudpour H, Knott CS, Amin A, Boutmy E, Verpillat P. Evolution of the treatment landscape in patients with ...

Previously treated recurrent or advanced endometrial cancer in England: a real-world observational analysis

Heffernan K, Sen Nikitas FS, Shukla U, Camejo HS, Knott CS. Previously treated recurrent or advanced endometrial ...

Genomic analysis defines clonal relationships of ductal carcinoma in situ and recurrent invasive breast cancer.

Lips EH, Kumar T, Megalios A, Visser LL, Sheinman M, Fortunato A, et al.Nat Genet 54, 850–860, ...

Kidney Cancer UK Quality Performance Audit of Kidney Cancer Services in England

Kidney Cancer UK Accord. Kidney Cancer UK Quality Performance Audit of Kidney Cancer Services in England. ...

Comparison of survival outcomes between dostarlimab and comparator treatments (tx) in patients (pts) with advanced/recurrent (A/R) endometrial cancer (EC) in England

Goulden S, Heffernan K, Nikitas FS, Shukla U, Knott CS, Hunger M, Pahwa A, Schade R. Comparison of survival ...

An overview on synthetic administrative data for research

Theodora Kokosi, Bianca De Stavola, Robin Mitra, Lora Frayling, Aiden Doherty, Iain Dove, Pam Sonnenberg, Katie ...

Short-term mortality in ovarian, fallopian tube ad primary peritoneal carcinomas across England

Ovarian Cancer Audit Feasibility Pilot Steering Group. Short-term mortality in ovarian, fallopian tube ad primary ...

Breast screening atypia and subsequent development of cancer: protocol for an observational analysis of the Sloane database in England (Sloane atypia cohort study).

Jenkinson D, Freeman K, Clements K, Hilton B, Dulson-Cox J, Kearins O, et al.BMJ Open 2022;12: e058050. ...

Unresected screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ: Outcomes of 311 women in the Forget-Me-Not 2 study.

Maxwell AJ, Hilton B, Clements K, Dodwell D, Dulson-Cox J, Kearins O, et al.The Breast Volume 61, P145-155, ...