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registry International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership

ICBP simulator model


The International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP) is an international collaboration of clinicians, academics, data experts and policy makers. The ICBP was set up to investigate the differences in cancer survival and care across 12 jurisdictions worldwide, and to identify the reasons why survival varies between countries. The research conducted by the ICBP focuses on five themes, one of which investigates how the difference in data collection by cancer registries might affect the calculation of cancer survival.

The ICBP simulator is a modelling tool that can be used to show how differences in key data items, such as the date of diagnosis or the inclusion of cases of cancer only detected on a death certificate, affect the calculation of one-year cancer survival. An academic paper describing the theory and design of the model is being prepared for peer-review publication. A document on the use of the model is available here.

In collaboration with:

Cancer Research UK




This project is now complete.

registry International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership
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