The National Cancer Diagnosis Audit
The National Cancer Diagnosis Audit investigates the diagnostic pathway for patients diagnosed with cancer. It collects primary care data from GPs to understand how patients are diagnosed and where improvements can be made. The data can be linked to secondary care data to get the full diagnostic pathway for each patient.
Further details:
Specifically, the audit investigates the length of time to diagnosis, symptoms, the number of consultations, the use of investigations by GPs prior to referral and how patients are referred. The first NCDA was completed in 2010, and the second in 2017. The current round started in April 2019.
Health Data Insight developed the secure online platform which allows participating GPs to securely submit information on their patients. This data is then linked and analysed by the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) within Public Health England.
In collaboration with:
The NCDA is operationally managed by Cancer Research UK, with partnership support from the Royal College of General Practitioners, Macmillan Cancer Support, Public Health England, Public Health Wales, NHS Scotland, NHS England and HDI.
April 2019 – ongoing
Supporting reflection, learning and quality improvement at GP practice level is the main goal of the audit.