Hilary is an experienced health service manager who has worked at all organisational tiers of the NHS and in the private sector. Hilary’s core skills are in strategy and business case development, option appraisal, project management and problem solving. She has led strategy review and development work across a broad range of subjects, including cardiac, cancer, neonatal and community services, and waiting list/time management.
Hilary worked in the acute provider sector for the first 10 years of her career both managing direct clinical services and undertaking service reconfiguration and business case development work and has an excellent understanding of the components and dependencies of a wide range of clinical services. Since 2000 Hilary has enjoyed a successful career as both a freelance and retained consultant working with clients such as the London Cancer Alliance, the Integrated Cancer Centre, South East London (Guy’s and St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospitals), South East London Cancer Network, the Department of Health, South Central SHA and the Government Office, East of England.
Throughout her career Hilary has considerable experience in using scientific models and developing analytical tools to tackle complex problems for a wide variety of organisations. These have ranged from needs assessment models, patient flow and access scenario development, activity projections linked to capacity and financial models, waiting list modelling, self assessment tools used to generate a balanced scorecard, and market share analysis.